Suchita was one of the selected members of the UNICEF, Voices of Youth's project: A Mixtape for Hope.
She actively writes for Voices of Youth, an initiative of UNICEF. All her articles can be found here.
She participated in the Kids Hack The Crisis Challenge 2020 by the UNICEF Sweden. Her Team, Student Emp-ty consisted of two other students from Nigeria and Polland. Their project was aimed at helping poor students attend online school amidst the raging COVID Pandemic. Find more about their project here.
While about the age of 12, she actively helped in packing and sending essentials for the people suffering from the 2015 South India Floods under the supervision of a group of adults.
​She is a certified Listener of the 7 Cups Community. Before joining 7 Cups, she actively advocated for mental health on social media.
She attended (and obtained certification in) a course on Psychological First Aid by
The Johns Hopkins University.
She has pledged for the HeForShe initiative by the UN Women.
She attended Play:Fair for People and Planet 2020, an event by UN's Sustainable Goals Action Development Campaign.
She has written several posts on the website of the Voices of Youth organisation.
Suchita Volunteering in the 2015 Floods

Suchita's HeForShe Pledge - UN Women 2020

Suchita's Team for Kids Hack the Crisis 2020
UN Sweden